This past weekend, Rebekah Koontz and I went to the West Coast Baptist Women's Conference 2013 in Lancaster, CA. What an experience! The theme was "Make overs" and from the decorating to the little handouts to the messages, all of it was very well done and definitely a blessing in SO many ways! I was skeptical at first because I had no idea what to expect (this was my first conference), and I had been attacked in every way possible the morning we were supposed to leave. I LITERALLY arrived "battered, bruised, and worn" (my somewhat graphic picture of that is at the bottom... use caution in viewing). But God was faithful to speak to my heart through every message and I left beyond blessed, I have a lot of things to mull over the next few weeks, and they're going to inspire some blogs. Hold on to your hard hats! This post is just going to be my pictures from the trip, hope you enjoy them!
These first 2 pictures are the doors of the hotel's elevator...I just love these, they're too cute! 

This was our view while driving to & through Lancaster

These 2 pictures are a couple of the little handouts we got, AWW!
This is the main sanctuary, it seats around 3000 I believe.
This was the church's choir room decorated for a dessert night, how cute are these paint bucket inspired center pieces?!
Rebekah and I found the pool & jacuzzi in the hotel and took some well deserved relaxing time! (I apologize for my indecent exposure...I should have just had Rebekah take my picture but as you can see, she was already soaking wet by the time I whipped out the phone for pictures.)
These next 3 pictures were the view from our third-floor hotel room at sunrise, beautiful!
This was the stage, and in this picture they're doing a game, they had some cute games!
This was during worship. I couldn't resist taking a picture of this song because just before going to the conference, one of the ladies who used to go to West Coast's college was telling Rebekah & I a story about how some of the college girls twisted this song to something like: "Lord, prepare me, a man to marry..." I don't remember the rest, but you can imagine. Rebekah & I couldn't stop laughing... Probably just cause we're those "forever alone" girls. Don't judge!

On Saturday, they had a main morning service, three multiple choice services where you could choose which lesson you wanted to attend, and then another main closing service. These were the classes Rebekah and I took together... I'll go into more detail in my next blogs.
This was just a pretty fountain on the grounds of the church that I decided to snap a picture of...Funny story, it's in between two "tunnels" that connect one building to another (you see the door in the background?) Well, I decided to cut across rather then walk around...that yonder door? Was locked. Rebekah and I shared a moment of terror thinking we were locked in as we rushed back the way we came, and were greatly relieved to find that door hadn't shut all the way when we had walked through it. Thank God! We were free! Haha.
These were the very beautifully designed sections of the stage!
LUNCH TIME! How cute are these lunch pails?!
Of course, Rebekah and I HAD to stop at at least ONE thrift store... It's in our blood. The door boasted signs promising 25 cent treasures (marked with a green tag). Excited Rebekah and I set out searching and searching.... I don't think we ever found a green tag. But Rebekah found some photo worthy items (which will probably be posted on her blog soon)
Every good conference has good singers! This first picture was a ladies trio, they were really good! And below them was a men's quartet, they were really good too!
And last, but not least, the picture of my head wound...
Gnarly, ain't it?!
The story behind that: Mom and I were doing last minute shopping before taking off for the conference, and I was not paying attention (standing around texting) and she went to close the trunk thinking I had walked away...My head caught the corner of the trunk. BUT! At least I can say it's just another battle scar that didn't hold me down! I've been injured in stupid ways all my life, since before I was a year old, this wasn't anything new! Haha.
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