Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jesus, friend of sinners.

I know.

My last post was pretty dark and bitter... But I think I'm going to leave it up just as a reminder that we all go through dark times, and that there IS hope for tomorrow.

Today is yesterday's tomorrow, and Jesus has been pouring His hope into my heart all day. The whole morning at church was a blessing, I hadn't been to the alter in awhile (proof I was trying to creep control of my life back into my hands), so this morning my knees hit that alter and surrendered once again my life into Jesus' more the caple hands.

Not two hours later, I got a call from PetSmart saying that everyone had been asking for me to come back to work there (aww) and that since I'm known by everyone I can skip the interview process and just pick up my drug test paper tomorrow morning. (The first step in getting hired.)


Pastor taught this morning on how to be godly, Christian employees... Sounds like God is preparing me for something.

I can't even describe how I feel right now... No matter how desparate I can get to feeling, Jesus is always there whispering "lean on me, I can carry you through and bless you more then you're expecting."


Just... WOW.

I will definitely be more thoughtful before I go slumping into a depression again. If I had just prayed, read my Bible, or actually listened to the worship music playing in my car last night, I highly doubt I would have sunk so far within myself.

Yes we all have pains in this life, but they should not consume us. And God is faithful to renew us each morning if we just seek Him. I'm honestly blown away.