Monday, September 30, 2013
Plugged into the Power
Gentleman, please!
West Coast Baptist Women's Conference 2013

This was just a pretty fountain on the grounds of the church that I decided to snap a picture of...Funny story, it's in between two "tunnels" that connect one building to another (you see the door in the background?) Well, I decided to cut across rather then walk around...that yonder door? Was locked. Rebekah and I shared a moment of terror thinking we were locked in as we rushed back the way we came, and were greatly relieved to find that door hadn't shut all the way when we had walked through it. Thank God! We were free! Haha.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Oh, Heart
Oh, Heart...
The dreams you contain are so precious, don't lower your standards in times of lonliness. I know you dream of what you had and wish that it had turned out another way. And I know you dream of future things that seem so far out of reach. I know you see others with what you wish you had, and even others who don't understand that what they have is so special and you long for it too. But in this time of solitude you have a lot of learning to do!
Be patient young Heart, the day will come! Be steadfast dear Heart, for that day will be more then you had ever dreamed possible! The Lord doesn't take away without reason, and He knows you better then you know yourself, He can surpass the dreams you cling to if you're just patient enough to wait and to trust.
Oh, Heart....
How I know you long to be cherished, how I know it's over-due. If loving God with all that we are fulfills us, I know it would be simpler to do if we could be physically held by Him. Contentment would overflow and nothing else would be needed. But since it can't be, I know you long for a good, strong pair of arms to hold you... Maybe you more then most because of what was lacking in your early life... But God is faithful, lean on Him! Don't turn your thoughts toward flattery and your emotions toward unsure things. Heart, what you contain is precious, don't spread it here and there in hoping, keep yourself contained; controlled, so that you have all of you to give when the time is right.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Jesus, friend of sinners.
I know.
My last post was pretty dark and bitter... But I think I'm going to leave it up just as a reminder that we all go through dark times, and that there IS hope for tomorrow.
Today is yesterday's tomorrow, and Jesus has been pouring His hope into my heart all day. The whole morning at church was a blessing, I hadn't been to the alter in awhile (proof I was trying to creep control of my life back into my hands), so this morning my knees hit that alter and surrendered once again my life into Jesus' more the caple hands.
Not two hours later, I got a call from PetSmart saying that everyone had been asking for me to come back to work there (aww) and that since I'm known by everyone I can skip the interview process and just pick up my drug test paper tomorrow morning. (The first step in getting hired.)
Pastor taught this morning on how to be godly, Christian employees... Sounds like God is preparing me for something.
I can't even describe how I feel right now... No matter how desparate I can get to feeling, Jesus is always there whispering "lean on me, I can carry you through and bless you more then you're expecting."
Just... WOW.
I will definitely be more thoughtful before I go slumping into a depression again. If I had just prayed, read my Bible, or actually listened to the worship music playing in my car last night, I highly doubt I would have sunk so far within myself.
Yes we all have pains in this life, but they should not consume us. And God is faithful to renew us each morning if we just seek Him. I'm honestly blown away.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
I want you to imagine something.
I want you to imagine a cut, a deep cut. Got it? Good...
Cuts scab over, and so does this one. But you, you're a little neurotic and when you have a scab you tend to pick at it. Picking at it hurts but you do it anyway. Soon the scab is gone and you skin is stinging and raw and probably bleeding again.
A little time passes and another scab appears. You pick it off again. And again. And again... Then finally the skin becomes tough and heals but in the scabs place is a scar, a permanent scar that will never go away. Scars are ugly. What do we do with ugly things? Hide them. On goes the makeup; on goes the mask. The scar isn't gone, it will never be gone. But at least no one knows it's there.
In time even you forget the scar, hiding it is habit and the pain behind it is long gone. But the effects of that long ago pain still lurk in the corners of your mind, toying with your emotions. Suddenly hiding a scar isn't enough. Suddenly nothing is good enough. Weight, height, looks, feelings, thoughts, words, none of it is good enough and it all needs to be covered up. But covering it all up takes time, effort, energy.... And after awhile weariness sets in. What's the point in hiding? What's the person behind the mask become?
Who knows. You don't even know. You're so entangled in a world of pains felt over and over until you made yourself tough enough to ignore them. But the pains are still there. And no matter how you seek peace, no matter how you seek solice, you cannot find it... You know the One who heals all pain and takes away all sorrow. You love that One desperately. And yet... You still long for physical arms to hold you; for a physical voice to sing away your fears and promise you the sun will shine again. All around you are others who have what you seek, it seems so easy to find what you yourself are longing for but seem so unable to attain. Why. Why?
Pain is a monster. It swallows you alive and chokes you to death. But how do you define a pain for which there are no words? You can't.
There is only hope.
There is always hope.
You just have to be willing to seek it, and when you find it: willing to accept it.
Lord, send your hope to me. Heal this aching heart and set me free. Make me a new creation in you. I want the freedom to make a change, I don't want to stay chained to the past anymore. Save me. Save me.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Prince Charming?
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." - Proverbs 31:30
but a MAN who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Friendship, what a blessing
Proverbs 18:24
There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. (NLT)
Proverbs 20:6
Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable? (NLT)
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (NLT)
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (NLT)
John 15:13
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
How are your friendships? Do you have friends that you would be willing to die in place of?
Yes. Friends are very special. And being a friend requires responsibility and commitment. But Godly friendships are a blessing to be CHERISHED. I thank God daily for the friends he has given me. What was taken away was repaid four-fold. Each friend I have is special in a different way, and each one I never want to live without. I know this post has been mostly about my friends from my church, but I don't want to exclude the other dear friends I have: Rachel, Jade, Jill, Stephanie, Claire, Karen, Lorraine, Abby, Allie, Alyssa, Carmel, Karli, Jacob(lol the only guy), Sammi, Selah... And I know there's more. All of the people are good friends, and most of their parents have been blessings to me as well. God has indeed surrounded me with a great circle of people, and I hope I'm a blessing to them too.
I could go on forever about friendship, it's such an amazing subject. But this is where I'll finish for now. Please leave a comment and let me know what your thoughts are about friendships!
~Until next time~
Monday, September 16, 2013
Music My Love
Never, NEVER under-estimate the power of good music! I am a firm believer that God uses music to speak to our hearts in a special way. The past couple of days have been rough emotionally, and I tend to get caught up in my depression. I dwell on it, wallow in it, and usually just make it worse. Misery loves company, and a miserable heart loves nothing more then a brain filled with more misery... At least in my case. I have learned however, that one way to conquer misery is to surround yourself with nothing but positive music, and for me that's my local Christian stations. Today while I was out I heard my current favorite song (Just Say Jesus) TWICE. Within several hours of each other. That usually doesn't happen to me and I was so blessed, it felt like God was ministering directly to my heart, WOW. On top of that, some new songs played that directly related to me and I was overwhelmed with God's love for me. It was an amazing experience to feel God's care for me and to listen to Him tell me how He loves me.
Music is so special and I'm beyond thankful for it. Next time you're driving around, or in a bad mood, turn on your local Christian station and LISTEN. Really listen. I can pretty well assure you it will speak to your heart.
*Cherish Music*
God Bless!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Rebekah Koontz
I have something very special to share with you today! My lovely and multi-talented friend Rebekah Koontz ( here's her website ) sung her first solo on September 11, 2013 at our church, Bible Baptist in CA. Her song was "Each One" and I think she did an amazing job, I'm so proud of her! And the truth of that song should be taken to heart... Just imagine, if we all just reached one person for Christ, and then that person reached one, and so on and so forth. We'd definitely make a difference in our world! My prayer for my generation is that we stand up for the gospel and reach those around us with the good news!
But now, without further ado, here's the link to Rebekah's song! ENJOY!!
Rebekah Koontz singing "Each One"
Thursday, September 12, 2013
I'm a free and adventurous spirit. I love being creative and trying new things. I have several hobbies, but my main passion is people. I love people and I try to help where I can. God has taught me a lot in my 21 years, and I welcome those lessons, and future ones; even the hard ones.
My main lesson lately has been what I decided to title this blog: CHERISH.
To cherish something is to: To treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear; to keep fondly in mind
That's an important thing to do and learn, and God has been showing me just how much he cherishes each and every person, even me. I want to share the things I learn because I believe that they will be a blessing to more then just me.
Speaking of trying new things, blogging is completely new to me so I have a lot to learn. But I'm ready for a new adventure! Are you??